Hello my friends,

I’m Becky Garner and I’m a Master Certified Life Coach. Why? Because after struggling with anxiety, depression, addiction, and self-hate for over 30 years, life coaching is what changed EVERYTHING for me.

Let Me Explain

I thought it was my hormones, my brain chemistry, my food habits, and my past that was causing my pain. I went to therapy, read self-help books, and tried anti-depressants, acupuncture, and energy work. I changed my food, meditated, got rid of plastics, and reduced the toxins in my home all in an effort to feel better. I even earned a bachelor’s degree in Family and Human Development and worked in the mental health field for years all in the pursuit of feeling better.

In the end, I couldn’t find the help I was looking for because I was looking outside of myself for the answers. No matter how many things I tried, it never stuck because everywhere I went, I took my own brain with me. And let me tell you, my brain was negative!

Once I stopped looking outside of myself for the answers and started focusing on my thoughts and my internal state, I began to change at a rapid pace and it’s been an awesome ride!

I can genuinely say that I love my life every day. Even on the hard days.

I can’t wait to help you find that same love for yourself and your life. Click below to learn about ways you can work with me.